I was checking out some websites on where to shop and I come across this site that tells us how to bargain in Hong Kong..haha...I find rule #7 funny...Rule #1: Start with a low price
The higher the price, the lower you should start. Most Hong Kongers kick off their bargaining somewhere between 30% and 40%. The best rule to follow here is that you really can’t start to low.
Rule #2: Know your product
If you’re just buying trinkets or souvenirs, this doesn’t really apply, but for those buying bigger ticket items, you should know how much the item costs. This is particularly important for electrical goods and photographic equipment. Rule #3: Don’t believe the seller
Assume the seller is lying about everything.--->Haha! If you’re buying a piece of Jade priced at $5 and the seller says it’s real, use your common sense, it’s not. Hong Kong salespersons will spin you a web of tales to make you buy their product. That antique chessboard for just $10 - made yesterday in Shenzhen.
Rule #4: The walk away
If you and the seller have reached a deadlock and you’re still not happy with the price, it might be time to walk away. Tell the seller your final price and then slowly walk away, this gives the seller time to change his mind and call you back, which they often will. If the walk away doesn’t work, don’t return to the stall, as the seller is now firmly in the driving seat when it comes to dictating the price.
Rule #5: Don’t take tea
If the seller offers you tea, it’s generally not a good idea to accept. The seller is simply trying to give himself more time to wear you down. He wants you to think of him as your friend so you’ll find it more difficult to bargain effectively.
Rule #6: Pay in the local currency
Always use HK$!
Rule #7: Dress down
You don’t need to dress like you’ve been sleeping rough for the last week, but waltzing around with a Gucci bag, D&G sunglasses and a swanky digital camera are all signs to the seller that you have more money than sense. Dress plainly.--> Haha!Rule #8; Don’t Try and Bargain in Malls
Major stores and chain stores don’t bargain and just like you wouldn’t try and get some money knocked off at Circuit City back home, you shouldn’t try here either. Look for 15% to 20% as a maximum.----Alfred came up with the itinerary 2 days ago....I must say, I'm very impressed!~ Haahaha!
It really excites me that I'm flying there in just another week!
But of course, ... I need to finish up all my work first... @.@
Investigation files to hand in by this week:
1) SG - DBS, SIA, EIM, ESM accts
- new services (TCM HW Scan vs Inventory)
2) MY - AFFIN BANK acct
3) ID - DOW, IGA, BRI accts
4) KR - outstanding Q4 & Q1 accts
Did I miss out anything?
I gotta go for full force to finish up all these things by this week...which I doubt I can.. T___T
Have not been sleeping well for the past 3 weeks...I even dream of work OMGGGGGGG
And pimples are popping out =(
Okies...enough of rubbish...gotta get back to work now...